I have really been working on my internet marketing skills. From building blogs, making posts, working on my affiliate programs and more, I have been working hard and I think I am getting somewhere, even though I haven't seen many results. These things take time to learn and I am learning as I go. I try not to put so much money into it and I want to be able to get some decent traffic. There is so much to set up and build on that I need direction. I have been creating a schedule for everything that I need to do so that I can make money and build financial freedom. I know you are probably wondering how long this will take. I am too. This is harder than I think, but I am appreciating the learning. My biggest project focuses on SFI. Strong Future International is my choice affiliate marketing program that I am building. I think that this will help me be succesful. I am doing plenty of work to get it rolling so if you would like to enter my team under this free opportunity and learn more about what I am doing. Join me at the link below and I will teach you all you need to know.