Friday, June 12, 2009


Today I was coming out of Wal-Mart and I was talking to my invisible friend (not obvious to anyone and only God can judge me). So anyways, I was talking to him and all of a sudden I remembered being a kid. Not too long ago I said I wasn't great with imagination but now its starting to come to me that I was at what point. I was always trying to act as if I had magical powers. I mean, I remember going with my parents to the hospital on certain Sundays when my dad had to visit the sick. I would act as if I opened and closed the elevator doors. I would tell my parents that if they give me one second, that I will gather my powers to open the doors for them. How cute, huh? I would look at the numbers moving down to the floor that we were on and then I will do my abracadabra-ish gibberish. I did this at the mall, I did this anywhere they had automatic doors. I used my powers. I know that it wasn't realistic at the time, but as an adult believing is half the battle when you want doors to open for you. I have been shutting doors on myself. I open and shut them based on my unbelief and faith of what God can do for me. When my faith is the strongest is when it seems to be tested the most, but how I handle it is what gives me the ultimate power. I had power to do all the things that I wanted to do and I still have that same power. Now, it's all about applying it to my life. How about you?

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