Friday, January 24, 2014

The Parable of the Workers in The Vineyard

I was reading and it was so interesting how I just understood what God was saying to me at the moment that I was reading. I love my "aha" moments. Matthew 20: 1-16 was where the parable comes about that gave me that moment. The owner hires all these workers throughout the day. They all agreed to one denarius a day. Some worked all day and some worked for just an hour. Either way, they are all getting paid the same thing at the end of the day. The people that worked all day think that they should get paid more than the people that only worked for an hour. The owner told them that it doesn't matter about what he paid anyone else and that although they worked all day, they still will get what they agreed to work for. They agreed to work for one denarius for that day, so that is what they will get. This spoke to me because I notice how people pay attention to other situations and not their own. I have done it. However, what someone else has is not for you and how they got is not necessarily how you are going to get it. This speaks of how God is building the kingdom of heaven, but it also speaks on the things that happens in our lives. God has a plan for our lives and an appointed time for us to go through our high points and low points. We shouldn't look at anyone else life and complain to God because it seems that person has only high points. God looks at us and says, "Didn't I say I was going to take care of you? Didn't I say I would never leave you or forsake you? Well, I am not a liar and I am not breaking the promises that I have for YOUR life." Walk down your path, stay in your lane, because no matter what everyone else is getting or not getting..all that God has promised you and all that is for you, you will have. Look up to Him and stop looking around. I am speaking to myself as well.

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