Friday, January 24, 2014

The Parable of the Workers in The Vineyard

I was reading and it was so interesting how I just understood what God was saying to me at the moment that I was reading. I love my "aha" moments. Matthew 20: 1-16 was where the parable comes about that gave me that moment. The owner hires all these workers throughout the day. They all agreed to one denarius a day. Some worked all day and some worked for just an hour. Either way, they are all getting paid the same thing at the end of the day. The people that worked all day think that they should get paid more than the people that only worked for an hour. The owner told them that it doesn't matter about what he paid anyone else and that although they worked all day, they still will get what they agreed to work for. They agreed to work for one denarius for that day, so that is what they will get. This spoke to me because I notice how people pay attention to other situations and not their own. I have done it. However, what someone else has is not for you and how they got is not necessarily how you are going to get it. This speaks of how God is building the kingdom of heaven, but it also speaks on the things that happens in our lives. God has a plan for our lives and an appointed time for us to go through our high points and low points. We shouldn't look at anyone else life and complain to God because it seems that person has only high points. God looks at us and says, "Didn't I say I was going to take care of you? Didn't I say I would never leave you or forsake you? Well, I am not a liar and I am not breaking the promises that I have for YOUR life." Walk down your path, stay in your lane, because no matter what everyone else is getting or not getting..all that God has promised you and all that is for you, you will have. Look up to Him and stop looking around. I am speaking to myself as well.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Last of a Dying Breed

I know that people don't like to talk about or address the state of the black population. However, although there are many, I think that we are considered a dying breed. For some people, that may sound like good news. To me, I would still like my color to exist. I am actually talking about the Black American. Its not that I am racist and its not that I am against dating other races, but I notice this issue. I am a black woman and I date black men. Our race of people get a bad reputation. We are considered rude, disorderly, and whatever else. There are a mass among other races that don't like us, but then we really don't like ourselves. Women and men in this race are always pained with our jacked up relationships. Stereotypes eat us alive, but we eat ourselves alive by doing what is expected of us. I remember my friend was using someone in his short films and getting paid for the performance. The guy he was using had an idea and decided that he really didnt get much of any money for his features in the films. Well, he demanded to receive the films so he can get paid like my friend. Immediately, my friend gave him the films. My friend didn't mind giving the actor the films because he knew something an important fact. He knew that the actor was going to do nothing with them. We have been free for many years and although we had to start from ignorance, we were given a chance to be free. We can now have knowledge, but are we going to do something with it? Well, the dynamics of relationships from now and then is not really something you can read up on. Reading about relationships is not something that helps a race of people pick up broken pieces of love. With all the control from the past, the black lovefoundation was somewhat broken. Our black love was disrespected and mistreated. Black love is so distorted from pain that we can't even fathom what it is about. There are some good marriages and black relationships, but I see it as a representation of the better of the slave masters who didn't corrupt black slaves with their twisted fantasies. However, with all the pain from broken relationships and sexual desire of what was left of slaves, the loyalty of a married slave was lost. The offspring see it and it stays tucked in a very deep place. Now we have our black men looking around for something other than black women and vice versa. Now, our black women don't want to be black anymore. They wish they had better hair, better this, better that, because they look at the masses of non-blacks with the attitude that it's better. I can't lie, I have been there. So I call us the "last of a dying breed."

Friday, July 29, 2011

Housecleaning: Master Cleanse for Dannis!

So, I am random and oh so not on it when it comes to topics, subjects, and maintaining rhythms in my blogs. However, I must tell you that I am definitely on the Master Cleanse. This is day 2 and I feel like its day 20. I have a headache. I hardly have headaches and it just feels like something crawled up my nasal cavity and is now invading my brain. I know that sounds scary, but imagine if its true. I almost feel like its true. As soon as I see a heart thump on my forehead, I will have my confirmation. I also look weird as well. I don't know if it is the combination of the normal monthly thing and the cleanse that is making me feel and look like this, but I am ready for day 3 to just come and go. So, I know you are wondering how I look. I look tired and my eyes are much more slanted than usual. Today I moved as slow as pond water and if it wasn't for me doing a favor for a friend, my ass would have been completely out of the public eye. Mind you, I am not really suppose to stay in all day because it ruins my Vitamin D levels. People, vitamin D is serious and if I am not eating then I should be out getting some sun to keep my vitamin D up. The last check up was great but the check up before that was completely low. My vitamin D was 16 out of 30. 30 is good and I was lower than 30...30 what? I have know idea, but I got to work and made sure it was better the next time. Ok, back to the cleanse. Um, Day 2 is sucky. I did the saltwater flush this morning and hated the aftermath. YUCK! I hate the taste and I hate when it comes out on the other end. Its just a disaster. I think I will be permanently damaged with the fear of passing gas...up, hold on, let me see if there is a such phobia....yep, it is called flatuphobia. Yeah, I might get that after this because passing gas during any part of the cleanse might result in crapping your pants. Ok, sooooooo, I think that is all I feel like talking about for now. I may or may not be back for day 3. Sorry about the grammar and all. I know practice makes perfect but I really don't feel like practicing. I have alot of things on my mind, like how much food I am not going to eat and looking for ways to prevent flatuphobia in my post master cleanse thingy.
LOVe Danni!

Friday, June 24, 2011

Internet Marketing

I have really been working on my internet marketing skills. From building blogs, making posts, working on my affiliate programs and more, I have been working hard and I think I am getting somewhere, even though I haven't seen many results. These things take time to learn and I am learning as I go. I try not to put so much money into it and I want to be able to get some decent traffic. There is so much to set up and build on that I need direction. I have been creating a schedule for everything that I need to do so that I can make money and build financial freedom. I know you are probably wondering how long this will take. I am too. This is harder than I think, but I am appreciating the learning. My biggest project focuses on SFI. Strong Future International is my choice affiliate marketing program that I am building. I think that this will help me be succesful. I am doing plenty of work to get it rolling so if you would like to enter my team under this free opportunity and learn more about what I am doing. Join me at the link below and I will teach you all you need to know.

Friday, April 22, 2011

What Is Danni UpTO?

You obviously want to know, so I will tell you. So, I went to SC for a few weeks for the Warrior Leader Course. Learned plenty of military things that I needed to know. However, on my way back home I checked my messages and the doctor left me a message to call them back. I forgot all about all the blood taken to check for diseases and all before I left for SC. Unfortunately, I have a Vitamin D deficiency. Although this was the only thing that was wrong, I felt a little unsettled. I remember being scared of getting rickets if I didn't get enough vitamin D as a child. As an adult, it can cause a range of illnesses that I don't even want to get into. These illnesses include obesity, which I am terrified of. I don't want to get too thick. I have enough reasons why I am single already, I don't want being fat to be added to that dreadful list. I don't even know what the other reasons are, but I know I would know that one if it was was so. So, I started incorporating sun in my life and I started juicing. I never heard of anyone getting a Vitamin D test but it happened to me. Since they didn't test the other vitamins, I figured that I needed to be proactive and make some dietary changes. I started juicing. I only drink about 12 ounces of freshly juiced, juice a day. I copped the Jack LaLane last year and had this huge project that I never did. Now, I am putting it to use with my trip to the Dekalb Farmer's Market planned out. So far I have been putting together cucumber and spinach juice. Sounds nasty but it is actually refreshing. Plus, I love the smell of cucumbers for some crazy reason. I have a few more recipes that I am not going to share until I try those. I am going to attempt to switch up every few days. I am also going to up how much I drink as well. Too much of anything is not good for the body. Which is why switching fruits and veggies is a must. I also try not to do too many fruits. Its high in sugar and the analysis said my sugar level was normal. This juicing thing is going to kill a few birds with one stone. I am getting healthy and direct vitamins and nutrition each day, its good for weight loss, and it keeps my skin healthy. I have an issue with acne in the summer months and I am hoping this combats that issue completely. Well, that is what Danni is up to.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Friday, December 31, 2010

Sophia, Sophia...where art thou?

So back when I was small and in the back of my parent's Cadillac or Lincoln Towncar. I think they had both of those cars when I was little and I hated one of them with a passion. Anyways, I remember always talking about an invisible friend named Sophia. I use to do it for my entertainment and then once my parents played along with me I felt more inclined to keep Sophia alive to keep them entertained as well. I was entertaining myself watching them amazed at how I would react to a person that really didn't exist. I was hoping for them to wonder if I really saw someone but as I got older, Sophia kind of sucked. I would forget about her and close her in the door and my parents would bring her up from time to time long after the lifeless, stubborn, rude, and invisible friend was dead to me. Sophia was the type of friend that kept me company and who I had to talk to when my mother told me to sit back and be quiet. The backseat was huge and I had to find someone to share it with and talk to. Sophia was my escape to say something when there was nothing else to be said or no one would listen. I recently thought of her and felt like looking her name up to see what she meant. I never knew or met anyone named Sophia. My dad use to ask me where I got the name from and I had no idea. However, the fact that her memory comes to me, it makes me wonder. Sophia means "wisdom" in Greek and has the theological concept of having "wisdom of God". I find this so important because my father and I discussed life application according to the Bible a few weeks ago. I told my dad what I really wanted and felt I needed in my life. I am not getting any younger.

I don't tell my dad much but he is one that embraces God's wisdom and may not be living in my world, but can identify what my world may be like through what he has learned in his studies. He really talked to me about the Bible and what I need to be doing and that although the instructions of the Bible may be ancient and seem not to apply in this changing world, it is still beyond relevant. I don't have any resolutions going into 2011. However, I know that in order for my future groom to find me, I need to get something inside of me that a virtuous woman needs and that's my invisible friend "Sophia". The one thing that I knew was there but no one could see. I need the "wisdom of God" and his armor to shield me. All these other things that I desire will come me, but I need to make sure that I prove myself to the man that sees the God in me. I thank God for the memory of "Sophia". The invisible childhood friend has given me and adult moment of clarity.